For my first blog on my new website I couldn't think of a better topic than this! Throughout so much of my own personal healing work I have been told, among other things, 'stop hiding', 'step into your power', 'trust'..... Wow. Easier said than done! As children we are naturally open and authentic. As we grow and experience life, other people and situations, we can shut down parts of ourselves as a defense strategy to avoid getting hurt. We develop strategies, defenses, personality traits, barriers, masks, coping mechanisms, even change our physical shape and mannerisms as ways of navigating and surviving these developmental challenges.
Many people speak about the importance of allowing ourselves to feel vulnerable; how vital this is to creativity and personal growth. If we can feel the fear, and still move forward even just a small nudge, the shifts can be huge.
So here I am, publishing my first blog on my brand new website inviting you all to step into my world of shamanic practice and healing. I aim to share with you some of my own journey; challenges, inspirational and 'ah ha' moments, introduce you to some of the amazing people I have met, and share along the way.