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This shamanic rattle for sale is made from polished black buffalo horn, and hand dyed deer skin. Filled with rose and clear quartz and dried black turtle beans.  A colar of wild rabbit circles the head.


This is a very characterful shamanic rattle, in a more celtic horn style.  Combining both buffalo and deer medicine, along with the rabbit fur, this rattle has a very unique sound.


The contents movements through the horn as they then connect with the deer skin cover create a really wonderful sound.


A fabulous sacred healing tool for anyones collection.


Buffalo: From Native American tribes to African communities, the buffalo has been seen as a symbol of strength, abundance, and unity. Its presence in spiritual practices and rituals has influenced the beliefs and values of many communities. It is often associated with personal growth, environmental balance, and community unity. The buffalo represents strength, wisdom, and courage as a totem animal.


Is this sacred healing tool calling you?



Buffalo & Deer skin

  • I am a shamanic rattle made with scottish deer skin. I was made in ceremony, honoring all parts, and guided connection.  A beautiful, powerful, healing tool.


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