This 16" dyed cow skin shamanic drum for sale has been made an Ash wood hoop. Comes with a free beautiful beater made with a willow handle, the head is made from suede and wild rabbit fur and is filled with raw sheeps wool from Nutshell Flock in Gloucetershire. Tied using some of the cow skin used for the drum. In the rear lacing of the drum handle, is a small clear quartz crystal.
BORN on 17.10.2024 at 5.03 pm as the Hunter Moon was coming to its fullest. I left this drum to dry on a window sill under the glow of the full moon energy.
Made of cow skin, the energy is full of serenity, gentleness and love.
I found working with the cow skin challenging, yet deeply rewarding. The final birthing was a pure joy of completed labour. The glorious red colour and markings on the skin, called for me to name this drum Ruby Flame. It often happens that when the drums go to their forever home, a new name comes forward during the heart to heart first connection journey. I LOVE that the drums hold different messages and energies for people. Just like our shamanic journeying is so unique to each of us, Spirit working with us, through us.
Is this drum calling you?
Ruby Flame
This shamanic drum for sale is made from reindeer skin sustainably sourced from the netherlands. All my drums come with a beater that usually has the same skin used in some way, to connect them. I always work in a sacred ceremonial way respecting all parts of the process.